Below are the previous calendar events:
Date: March 19, Wednesday at 7 PM to 9 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Game Night
Description: *Now hosted on the third Wednesday of each month* Play German card games or board games. Nic will teach Skad to willing victims. Andy will teach 6 Nimmt. Bring a snack if you like. Drinks will be provided.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: March 11, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: March 9, Sunday, 3 to 5 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Folk Dancing. Open to all, guests are welcome
Description: All dances will be taught. Come with a partner or alone. Guests are welcome
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Andy Koning – [email protected]
Date: February 23, Sunday 3 to 5 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Sing Along. Open to all, guests are welcome
Description: Come join us to sing the well known German folksongs at our regular gathering space, down stairs at the Latvian Hall. We will have songbooks and song sheets with the words and our former accompanist of the Edelweiss Choir, Ellen Johnson, will be there to help us sing in tune.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Margaret Malenka – [email protected]
Date: February 19, Wednesday at 7 PM to 9PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Game Night
Description: *Now hosted on the third Wednesday of each month* Play German card games or board games. Nic will teach Skad to willing victims. Andy will teach 6 Nimmt. Bring a snack if you like. Drinks will be provided.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: February 11, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: January 22, Wednesday at 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Game Night
Description: *Now hosted on the third Wednesday of each month* Play German card games or board games. Nic will teach Skad to willing victims. Andy will teach 6 Nimmt. Bring a snack if you like. Drinks will be provided.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: January 14, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, August 13th from 6pm – 8pm at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: December 22, Sunday 3:30 to 5 PM
Place: Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, 423 First Street, Grand Rapids
Event: Edelweiss Choir Christmas Concert
Description: Choir and guests perform tradition Christmas music from the German speaking regions of Europe
Contact: Linda at [email protected]
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Date: December 14, Saturday 9:30 AM to 9:30 PM
Place: Latvian Hall Parking lot
Event: Bus trip to Chicago
Description: Visit downtown Chicago Christkindl market and shops. Cost is $44.
Contact: Andy at [email protected]
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Date: December 10, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: December 8, Sunday noon to 4 PM
Place: Latvian Hall Upstairs
Event: Edelweiss Club Christmas Party
Description: Annual Christmas Party with dinner and entertainment.
Contact: Andy at [email protected]
Date: November 20, Wednesday at 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Game Night
Description: *Now hosted on the third Wednesday of each month* Play German card games or board games. Nic will teach Skad to willing victims. Andy will teach 6 Nimmt. Bring a snack or drink if you like.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: November 12, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, August 13th from 6pm – 8pm at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: November 2, Saturday 10 AM to 4 PM
Place: Grand Rapids Public Museum
Event: Heritage Day
Description: Display of German culture at the public museum. Stubnmusi will perform music from Austria and Bavaria
Contact: Susan Aalsberg at [email protected]
Date: October 30, Wednesday 7 to 9 PM
Place: Kusterer Brauhaus
Event: Beer tasting
Description: Dave Ringler will give overview of German beer and tastings of German beer styles. Cost is $10 per person, participants will purchase their own snacks.
Contact: Margaret Malenka at [email protected]
Date: October 20, Sunday 3 to 5 PM
Place: Latvian Hall downstairs
Event: General Membership Meeting
Description: All members are invited to our bi-annual meeting where you can find out how the club is doing and help elect board members.
Contact: Herbert Fitzon – [email protected]
Date: October 8, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, August 13th from 6pm – 8pm at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: September 28, Saturday noon to 10 PM
Place: Riverside Park
Event: Oktoberfest
Description: Annual Oktoberfest West Michigan. Food, beer, wine, entertainment, games, and more
Contact: Alex at [email protected]
Date: September 27, Friday 3 to 10 PM
Place: Riverside Park
Event: Oktoberfest
Description: Annual Oktoberfest West Michigan. Food, beer, wine, entertainment, games, and more
Contact: Alex at [email protected]
Date: September 10, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, August 13th from 6pm – 8pm at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: September 8, Sunday 2 to 5 PM
Place: Christa Roland’s house
Event: Kaffeeklatsch
Description: Join us for an afternoon of coffee, cake and fellowship at Christa Wolpe-Roland’s home in Ada. Your hostesses are Christa, Lilo Kuester and Susan Aalsburg. Reservations are required as seating is limited to 25.
This event is for members only.
Contact: Susan at [email protected]
Date: August 13, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, August 13th from 6pm – 8pm at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: August 15, Thursday at 7:30 PM
Place: Latvian Hall downstairs
Event: Wine tasting
Description: wine tasting, featuring grapes from Germany, Austria, and other countries. Herb Fitzon, our club president, will lead and organize the tasting. Full members free. All others $10. Please email Margaret if you plan to attend. Don’t wait too long, as the number of participants is limited to 22
Contact: Margaret at [email protected]
Date: July 20, Saturday 3 to 8 PM
Place: Rockford Community Cabin – 220 N Monroe St, Rockford, MI 49341
Event: Annual Picnic -Join the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids for our annual picnic at Rockford Community Cabin!
Food, drinks and Games are provided!
Please indicate how many members will attend and if any are children. We will provide everything but we ask that you bring your own plates, silverware, napkins, mugs, or glasses to avoid waist. Lastly, the Pig Roast is back!
Description: Food, Games & Gemütlichkeit!
Connect with us: RSVP using the Sign Up Genius. Cut and paste this link into your browser’s address space
Also see event on Facebook
Contact: Herbert Fitzon – [email protected]
Date: July 9, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: June 8th, Saturday – 11 AM
Place: Atrium of Uccello, 122 Monroe Center, Grand Rapids
Event: Edelweiss Choir performs at Festival of the Arts
Description: Join your choir for their Festival performance, an annual event as part of indoor Classical.
Contact: Linda Ritch – [email protected]
Date: June 7th, Friday – 6 to 9 PM
Place: Latvian Hall upstairs
Event: Edelweiss Choir Dinner and Concert
Description: Join your choir for their Spring Concert preceded by Dinner. Dinner served from 6 to 7:15, concert start at 7:30
Contact: Linda Ritch – [email protected]
Date: May 18th, Saturday – Dinner 5 – 6:30 followed by dancing
Place: Lansing Liederkranz Club, 5828 S Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing, MI 48911
Event: Fasching – Dinner / Dance
Description: Join us for our dinner and dancing at the Lansing Liederkranz Club! There is no entrance fee. Dinner is $15. The address is 5828 S. Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing
Contact: Sue Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: May 14, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: May 4, Saturday 3 to 5 PM & 5 to 8 PM
Place: Latvian Hall downstairs
Event: General Membership Meeting & New Member Meet & Greet Party!
Description: All members are invited to our bi-annual meeting where you can find out how the club is doing and help elect board members.
For More Info on the Event, click HERE!
Contact: Herbert Fitzon – [email protected]
Date: April 28, Sunday – Free Conversation (3:15 PM) and Concert (4 PM)
Place: Westminster Church, 47 Jefferson Ave SE, Grand Rapids
Event: Free concert. The Musical Leipzig
Description: Program 5 of a GVSU free classical music concert series. Since the time of Bach, Leipzig has remained to be one of the most influential musical cities in the world. This season, we are exploring music by the composers who had associations with this city. Join us as we travel and trace the artistic lineage stemming from the Musical Leipzig! There is a lecture at 3:15 and the concert starts at 4pm. Free parking in the church parking lot. –Have Facebook? RSVP here
Date: March 27, Wednesday, 6 to 8 PM
Place: Trail Point brewing Company 6035 lake Michigan Drive, Allendale
Event: Roving Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our Roving Stammtisch.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Donovan Anderson – [email protected]
Date: March 26, Tuesday 7:30 to 9 PM
Place: Latvian Hall downstairs
Event: First Choir rehearsal for Spring season of the Edelweiss Choir
Description: Old and new members are invited to join our choir.
Contact: Linda Ritch – [email protected]
Date: March 17, Sunday 5 PM
Place: St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 134 Division N, Grand Rapids
Event: Free concert. The Musical Leipzig
Description: Program 4 of a GVSU free classical music concert series. Since the time of Bach, Leipzig has remained to be one of the most influential musical cities in the world. This season, we are exploring music by the composers who had associations with this city. Join us as we travel and trace the artistic lineage stemming from the Musical Leipzig! There is a lecture at 4:15 and the concert starts at 5. Free parking in the church parking lot. Afterglow party TBD.
Date: March 15 , Friday 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall downstairs
Event: Easter Egg workshop
Description: Mona Leeder will be teaching a egg decorating in the Eastern European style
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: March 12 , Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: March 8, Friday 7:30 PM
Place: Park Church, 10 East Park Place, Grand Rapids
Event: Vienna Boys Choir
Description: These gifted musicians with voices of unforgettable beauty are part of four touring choirs that hail from dozens of nations and together give over 300 concerts a year around the world. Tickets are $25. Use this link
to buy them:
Date: March 7, Thursday at 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Game Night
Description: *Now hosted on the first Thursday of each month* Play German card games or board games. Nic will teach Skad to willing victims. Andy will teach 6 Nimmt. Bring a snack if you like. Drinks will be provided.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: April 9, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: April 4, Thursday at 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Game Night
Description: *Now hosted on the first Thursday of each month* Play German card games or board games. Nic will teach Skad to willing victims. Andy will teach 6 Nimmt. Bring a snack if you like. Drinks will be provided.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: February 28th, Wednesday, 6 to 8 PM
Place: Big Lake Brewery, 13 W 7th St, Holland, MI
Event: Roving Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our Roving Stammtisch.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Jürgen Brat – [email protected]
Date: February 20, Tuesday 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, Downstairs, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: Lecture by Dr. Stark
Description: A look at social and political reason that Germans came to the US in the second half of the 1800s. Open to members and guests.
Date: February 13, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: February 11, Sunday 4 PM
Place: Park Church, 122 Library St NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: Free concert. The Musical Leipzig
Description: Program 3 of a GVSU free classical music concert series. Since the time of Bach, Leipzig has remained to be one of the most influential musical cities in the world. This season, we are exploring music by the composers who had associations with this city. Join us as we travel and trace the artistic lineage stemming from the Musical Leipzig! There is a lecture at 3:15 and the concert starts at 4. Free parking in the church parking lot. Afterglow party at the 7 Monks.
Date: February 10th, Thursday 5 to 10 PM
Place: Lansing Liederkranz Club, 5828 S Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing, MI 48911
Event: Fasching – Dinner / Dance
Description: Join us for our traditional Fasching festival event at the Lansing Liederkranz Club! There is no entrance fee. Dinner is $15. Wearing costumes is encouraged. The address is 5828 S. Pennsylvania Ave, Lansing
Contact: Eileen Wigen – [email protected]
Date: February 1, Thursday at 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Game Night
Description: *Now hosted on the first Thursday of each month* Play German card games or board games. Nic will teach Skad to willing victims. Andy will teach 6 Nimmt. Bring a snack if you like. Drinks will be provided.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: January 28, Sunday, 3 to 5 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Event: German Folk Dancing
Description: All dances will be taught. Come with a partner or alone. Guests are welcome
Contact: Andy Koning – [email protected]
Date: January 24, Wednesday, 6 to 8 PM
Place: Long Road Distillers, 537 Leonard St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Roving Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our Roving Stammtisch.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Paul Leitelt – [email protected]
Date: January 9, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: January 4, Thursday at 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall
Event: German game night
Description: Play German card games or board games. Nic will teach Skad to willing victims. Andy will teach 6 Nimmt. Bring a snack if you like. Drinks will be provided.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: December 17, Sunday at 3:30 PM
Place: Saint Mary’s Catholic Church, 423 First Street
Event: Edelweiss Choir Christmas Concert
Description: Christmas concert by the Edelweiss Choir, Ein Prosit, Alphorns, and Stubnmusi. Please see the Christmas Concert webpage for details.
Date: December 12, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: December 7, Thursday at 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall
Event: German game night
Description: Play German card games or board games. Bring a snack if you like. Drinks will be provided.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg – [email protected]
Date: December 3, Sunday noon to 4 PM
Place: Latvian Hall
Event: Edelweiss Christmas Party
Description: Our annual Christmas Party for our members. See the Christmas Party webpage for details.
Contact: Kevin Neitzer at [email protected]
Date: December 1, Friday 5 PM
Place: Downtown at Monroe Mall by the Art Museum
Event: Christmas Tree Lighting
Description: The edelweiss club will sell Glühwein and Hot Chocolate while members of the edelweiss choir will lead a song along of German carols.
Contact: Herb Fitzon at [email protected]
Date: November 14, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: November 4, Saturday, 9 – to 4
Place: Grand Rapids Public Museum
Event: Heritage day
Description: Various ethnic groups will be there with displays of performances of music and dance. The Edelweiss Club will have a table with displays. The Edelweiss Choir performs at 2 PM in the auditorium.
Contact: Susan Aalsburg at [email protected]
Date: November 2, Thursday, 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand , Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: German Game night
Description: Bring your favorite German game and join us for an evening of game playing with your fellow club members. Guests are welcome. Bring your own drinks and snacks..
Contact: Susan Aalsburg at [email protected]
Date: October 25, Wednesday, 6 to 8 PM
Place: The Old Goat – 2434 Eastern Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505
Event: Roving Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our Roving Stammtisch.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Rudy Tegethoff – [email protected]
Date: October 22, Sunday 3 to 5 PM
Place: Latvian Hall downstairs
Event: General Membership meeting
Description: Fall meeting
Date: October 21, Saturday 5 – 9 PM
Place: Carpool Location (GR) – Latvian Hall at 4:30
Event: Visit to Lansing Liederkranz Club
Description: Join fellow club members for an evening of food and dancing. Please RSVP
Contact: Sue Aalsburg at [email protected]
Date: October 10, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: September 30, Saturday noon to 10 PM
Place: Riverside Park
Event: Oktoberfest
Description: Our annual event that requires lots of volunteers. Please sign up using our signup form on our Oktoberfest page.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Alex Neininger at [email protected]
Date: September 29, Friday 3 to 10 PM
Place: Riverside Park
Event: Oktoberfest
Description: Our annual event that requires lots of volunteers. Please sign up using our signup form on our Oktoberfest page.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Alex Neininger at [email protected]
Date: September 27, Wednesday, 6 to 8 PM
Place: Creston Brewery – 1504 Plainfield Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505
Event: Roving Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our Roving Stammtisch.
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Shari Slager – [email protected]
Date: September 12, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: August 31, Thursday, 7 PM
Place: Latvian Hall, 504 Grand , Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: German Game night
Description: Bring your favorite German game and join us for an evening of game playing with your fellow club members. Guests are welcome. Bring your own drinks and snacks..
Contact: Susan Aalsburg at [email protected]
Date: August 23, Wednesday 7 to 9 PM
Place: Outdoor Amphitheater located at 69 W. Maple St., Cedar Springs, MI 49319.
Event: Roving Stammtisch
Description: Live music by Alex Meisner and food and drink available from CSB across the street
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: August 8, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: July 26, Wednesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Third Nature Brewing Company – 7733 Childsdale Ave NE, Rockford, MI 49341
Event: Roving Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our roving Stammtisch on Wednesday, July 26th from 6p – 8p at Third Nature Brewing Company in Rockford hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids President, Herb Fitzon!
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
Date: July 15, Saturday 3 to 8 PM
Place: Rockford Community Cabin – 220 N Monroe St, Rockford, MI 49341
Event: Annual Picnic – It’s time to sign-up for the Annual Edelweiss Picnic. Please indicate how many members will attend and if any are children. We will privide everything but we ask that you bring your own plates, silverware, napkins, mugs, or glasses to avoid waist.
The menu will be: Weisswurst, Wienerwurst, German potato salad, two kinds of sauerkraut, and apfel strudel. There will also be beer (from CSB), pop, coffee, and water.
Description: Food, Games & Gemütlichkeit!
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on Sign Up Genius.
Contact: Linda Wilke – [email protected]
Date: July 11, Tuesday 6 to 8 PM
Place: Küsterer Brauhaus – 642 Bridge St NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Event: Stammtisch
Description: Come join us for good drinks and even better conversation at our regular Stammtisch on Tuesday, June 13th from 6p – 8p at Küsterer Brauhaus, hosted by the Edelweiss Club of Grand Rapids (Kim Davis).
Connect with us: RSVP here for this event on our Facebook page.
Contact: Kim Davis – [email protected]
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